Meet Some Of The Engineering Experts Building the Merlin Pilot

02 / 22 / 2024



Merlin’s vision is to deliver on the promise of autonomous flight to meet the world’s increasing dependency on air transportation. Advanced automation systems are the most promising solution to a more flexible and scalable aviation ecosystem, and are foundational to advancing Merlin’s mission to create the world’s most capable pilot – the Merlin Pilot.

As Merlin leads aviation’s evolution into an autonomous future, its team’s technical expertise and skill sets are playing a critical role. Merlin is fortunate to have some of the brightest minds in the industry aboard our team. This is a testament to the culture – and vision – we’ve built, and we’re always looking for innovative thinkers to join us in our work.

Here you’ll meet a few of our teammates from the engineering team and learn about how they are guiding the development of the Merlin Pilot on our path to validation and certification.

Kevin Elfenbein, Software Engineering Manager

What brought you to Merlin?

Merlin’s mission, technology, and the team. After speaking with the CTO and several of the longest-tenured engineers at the company during my interviews, it was clear that everyone at Merlin is dedicated to building a product that will have a lasting impact on the aviation industry. In my role, I get to manage an incredible team of software engineers who are developing the next generation of airborne autonomy, with the freedom and responsibility that come with joining a growing startup.

What are you working on right now?

The experimental versions of Merlin’s next-generation advanced automation features. These are the capabilities that we believe will further reduce crew workload in the cockpit beyond what existing autopilots can do, and eventually, lead to fully autonomous flight.

What’s most exciting to you about Merlin’s mission?

How we are innovating to make air cargo more reliable and safer. There are huge challenges ahead when it comes to the technology, safety, regulations, and the coexistence of human pilots with autonomous systems, but these unsolved problems mean we have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the global supply chain. Plus, we are rewarded with watching our technology solution fly on real airplanes.

Charles Njenga, Principal Systems Engineer

What brought you to Merlin? 

Merlin provides the innovative nature that I wanted to grow my skill sets.

What are you working on right now?

I lead the engineering effort to install and demonstrate the Merlin Pilot on our military platforms. I am also actively involved with the systems team on the Part 23 Merlin Pilot as we push towards certification.

What’s most exciting to you about Merlin’s mission?

Merlin’s methodical approach to bringing autonomous capabilities to the aerospace industry. This crawl, walk, fly strategy allows Merlin to bring these new technologies to market while showcasing their effectiveness and certifiability to the regulator. . This approach also allows for new and innovative solutions to be fielded faster and builds trust with the certifying authorities.

Cait Mortelliti, Senior Systems Engineer    

What brought you to Merlin?

I was excited to work on something new in aviation. In my roles prior to Merlin, I was working on STC update programs that were iterations of existing systems. Merlin gives me the opportunity to work on new products that will make our skies safer.

What are you working on right now?

I’m leading the development of our system integration bench, which encompasses working with our cross functional teams to integrate the hardware and software together for the delivery of the system bench to user teams. This then enables the integration and testing of our certified software system.

What’s most exciting to you about Merlin’s mission?

Merlin’s product certification approach, which I believe is very realistic for an aviation startup.

Dom Shiosaki, Senior Mechanical Engineer

What brought you to Merlin? 

Merlin is a fast moving company that is making a huge impact on the aviation industry. I was most drawn to Merlin’s progress to date – both on the hardware and software components of its advanced automation system – and I’m excited to be a part of the continuous progress we’re making as a company.

What are you working on right now?

I am working on the engineering design and integration of various mechanical systems for the Merlin Pilot, spanning from control surface actuation to avionics mounting within the aircraft.  I am also part of the team evaluating the integration of the Merlin Pilot onto other aircraft.

What’s most exciting to you about Merlin’s mission?

What excites me the most is that Merlin’s mission is defined by a practical approach to the implementation of autonomy. Merlin also has a very diverse and balanced team with extensive experience in R&D, certification, and safety, so it’s inspiring to work alongside the team every day.

Corrina Litt, Technical Project Manager 

What brought you to Merlin? 

The fast-paced nature in which the company is bringing autonomous flight capabilities onto actual aircraft, to be tested by real pilots. It is extremely valuable to get novel engineering products in the hands of end users, and Merlin’s focus on flying ever-evolving software will lead to a better product that excites the community.

What are you working on right now?

I’m coordinating integration activities that enable developmental test flights of Merlin’s modified aircraft in order to support our certification efforts. This is a large feat involving all engineering disciplines, flight operations, aircraft maintenance, and contracted specialists. An aircraft modification of this scale is an undertaking that requires operational excellence, creativity, and an all hands on deck mentality, all of which the Merlin team has shown while working at our hangar in Mojave, California.

I also work on product synchronization across several of Merlin’s engineering projects, including advanced capabilities, certification, and Department of Defense. While each has a different focus, objective, and technology being developed, there are integration and technology transfer opportunities in order to ensure the Merlin Pilot is constantly evolving.

What’s most exciting to you about Merlin’s mission?

I love the importance of innovative technological capabilities to augment actual operations. Merlin’s focus on demonstrating these capabilities on real-world platforms and applications makes it easy to see how the Merlin Pilot can positively impact aviation.

If you’re a technical professional and looking to make a meaningful contribution to aviation, we are hiring!  Check out our open roles here.